August 15, 2009
So it is the 10th day of Cycle 2 and I am more than halfway through my shots. My ”bio-hazard” container is starting to look crowded and I am feeling pretty good. I have definite mixed feelings at this time in the cycle. The ingredients of my feelings are equal parts of the following:
- Relief that I pretty much halfway through this cycle.
- Weariness that I have 8 more shots
- Trepidation that I am only 4 shots away from the dreaded stomach shots.
- Peace and joy because it is really not so bad, I feel good, and God has my back.
My first score card
I have discovered in the course of wearing my new golf shoes that my left foot is bigger than my right. By the 7th hole of the course I was quite finished. My two littlest toes on my left foot were falling asleep because that shoe was too tight, my hand was cramping because of my gauntlet, and bugs were starting to bite me. Now anyone who knows me well knows that I do not “do” nature… or discomfort in general. I just don’t see the point in not being completely comfortable unless it is for the most fabulous shoe one could ever imagine.
So Saturday has rolled around and with it – the real game of golf. I woke up in fighting mode ready to go. My husband tried to kiss me right before we left for the course, but I didn’t allow it lest he think I wasn’t serious competition. We met my dad down at Annapolis Roads Golf Course and got geared up. Out we went to our very first hole, a par 4. I got an 8…so much for being serious competition. I did not do as well on a real golf course as I did on Thursday. I ended up 18 over par. Ben was 7 over. I can’t prove it, but I am pretty sure he cheated.
My second score card was not so pretty...